Developing Effective and Creative Business Strategies
One of the most critical challenges facing leaders of SMEs today is to find time to effectively manage the business, to drive it onwards. Too often focus is centred on the day's priorities and undertaking the multitude of activities that demand your time. Consequently, the critical aspects of planning take a back seat and organisations easily lapse into strategic drift.
This means that the competitive landscape can be ignored, the realities of the current business position can be exaggerated and significant opportunities could be missed. Timing is crucial to all three of these critical issues and if your business activities don't allow you enough time to monitor and review these aspects of your business, you are drifting.
There are a plethora of examples of the consequences of strategic drift from major corporations such as Polaroid, Kodak, IBM, RIM, Triumph, Norton etc and many thousands of SMEs too that have fallen by the wayside, simply because they failed to adapt to changing environments, be they technological, sociological or commercial.
Einstein defined insanity as " doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." A fair summary of the core reasons behind strategic drift. But, fear not, help is at hand. 
NetGrowth has a wealth of experience in developing practical, creative and effective business strategies across a wide range of businesses and can provide the help and support that you need to take control of your business once again.
Contact NetGrowth at for more information about how we can help you find a clear path ahead.